The Man2th3: Part Tree

Event Details:

Location: Palm Springs, CA & Oceanside, CA

Dates: April 22-24

Registration limit: 60 players

Cost per player: $950 (Covers golf, on course food/meals, drinks, tee gifts, prizes)

Reception 4/22 @ 7pm : Par 3 play at The Lights at Indio  

Day 1, 4/23: PGA West - Mountain Course 12:30pm shotgun start

Day 2, 4/24: PGA West - Nicklaus Course 8:00am shotgun start

A 50% deposit is required to reserve a spot, fully refundable until March 24th.

TPI fitting spots will go to the first 16 Velcren that indicate an interest at sign-up. (And who have not been to TPI at previous events)

Any other questions - reach out to and he'll answer you promptly.
